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  • Where are you located?
    The marina and pickup location is: 525 Newport Dr. Naples FL 34114
  • When should I be there?
    Please arrive at least 15 minutes before scheduled departure. If you do not arrive on time and we depart without you, there will be no refunds given.
  • Where should I park?
    There is ample free parking in the lot directly across from the fire station. Once you have parked, please walk across the road (Newport Drive) to the ship store and wait by the picnic tables in the front of the marina.
  • Where do I meet and board?
    Await your departure at the picnic tables in front of the marina, and the back of the ship store. Captain Dallas will call everyone's name before departure and you will board at that time.
  • What do I need to bring?
    Bring what you would normally bring to the beach. This includes: -Sunscreen (no sunless tanners permitted) -Any snacks and drinks you'd like NOTE: Glass bottles and smoking are not permitted on board. Alcohol is permitted, but please drink responsibly. -Due to storage restrictions, coolers will not be permitted on board, however, there is a cooler of ice on board for you to use -Water shoes (the beach poses natural tripping and cutting hazards, please wear appropriate clothing to protect yourself) -Beach towels -Bathing suits (please note there is no area to change into clothing) -Sunglasses/ hats -Mosquito repellent -Any prescription medications needed for the day -Shell bags -Any other item(s) you may need for the tour - For months October through April you are encouraged to bring a jacket as it may be a little cooler on the water during these times.
  • What should I wear?
    You'll be outside for the duration of the tour. Remember to dress comfortably and according to the weather. Sometimes it gets a little cooler on the water so light jackets are suggested. For the BEACH and shelling excursions, beach wear is highly recommended. For the MANGROVE and SUNSET excursions, you will not be getting very wet, but there is a possibility.
  • Should I bring a cooler or beach accessories?
    Due to the lack of space on board, unless you have booked a private tour you will not be permitted to bring coolers, beach chairs etc. However, we do offer a cooler full of ice on board for you to use.
  • Will there be life vests provided?
    Life vests will be provided for all guests on board the vessel.
  • Is there shade covering?
    Due to the vessel's construction there is very limited shade available. Please dress accordingly and bring plenty of sunscreen.
  • How many people can I take?
    We are licensed by the USCG to carry up to 6 passengers per boat. This law is based on bodies and not weight nor age. There are no exceptions to this.
  • Is there a minimum amount of passengers allowed?
    Single guests are always welcome, but there has to be at least two passengers booked in order to depart. If the minimum amount of passengers is not met, you can reschedule for free. If you cannot reschedule for another time, you will be issued a full refund.
  • Are there discounts for children?
    Unfortunately no, the USCG considers any rider as one passenger. This law is based on bodies and not weight nor age. There are no exceptions to this. Your child will qualify as one passenger.
  • Are pets allowed?
    For the safety of you and our other guests, no animals of any kind are permitted on the boat.
  • Are restrooms available?
    There are facilities located in the marina store for customers. However, on the totality of the voyage, there will be no restroom availability.
  • Should I bring music?
    We have a great sound system on board. If you have reserved the boat for only your group you can bring your device and hook it to our system to enjoy your music while underway. Captain Dallas was a radio host for years and has created a great playlist for your enjoyment, if you'd prefer as well. Click the link below to check it out before departure.
  • Is the vessel ADA compatible?
    Unfortunately no, due to our vessel construction we cannot take persons with disabilities.
  • What is your Cancellation policy?
    If in the event you need to cancel, a full refund will be given up to 48 hours prior to departure time.
  • What is your Rescheduling policy?
    If you need to reschedule, you will be able to, free of charge up to 48 hours prior to departure time. If you must reschedule within 24 hours of departure time please call 239-351-0447. We cannot refund your money but will be happy to reschedule you for a later date or time.
  • What is your No Show policy?
    If you do not show, or are late and we have already left the dock, you will be charged the full base price for the trip.
  • What is your Adverse Weather policy?
    Florida weather is unique and storms can spring up rapidly and sometimes without warning. In the event of adverse weather conditions the Captain will make a decision on whether or not to cancel the excursion. If this occurs you will have a chance to reschedule, or be offered a full refund. If adverse weather occurs during the trip, we will head back to the dock.
  • What is your Privacy policy?
    Please CLICK HERE to view our Privacy Policy
  • Participation Waiver
    THIS WAIVER MUST BE AGREED TO AND COMPLETED BY EVERY PASSENGER PARTICIPATING IN THE EXCURSION. NAPLES BOAT ADVENTURES LLC CONTRACTUAL ASSUMPTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISKS AND LIABILITY WAIVER AND RELEASE AGREEMENT IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to participate in the charter provided by Naples Boat Adventures LLC for myself and/or any other participant in my party, group, and minor children for whom I am the legal parent/guardian or otherwise responsible, and for my/our heirs, personal representatives, or assigns. I acknowledge the following and agree that I am legally allowed, obliged and permitted to fully agree to all the terms and conditions laid forth in this waiver. I acknowledge that I have full ability and am legally allowed to agree to this waiver on behalf of myself and/or any minor children for whom I am the legal parent/guardian or otherwise responsible, and for my/our heirs, personal representatives, or assigns, fully acknowledge and agree to all these terms on my behalf, and of my complete parties behalf CONTRACTUAL/EXPRESS ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY I fully agree to assume all responsibility for all the risks of the charter to which I am about to engage, whether identified above or not (I FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT I UNDERTAKE EVEN THOSE RISKS ARISING OUT OF THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES NAME BELOW) My/Our participation in the charter is completely voluntary. I assume full responsibility for myself and any of my minor children for whom I am responsible. This responsibility that I assume on my behalf and that of my minor children, or those children for whom I am legally responsible, extends to any bodily injury, accidents, illnesses, mental anguish, paralysis, death, loss of personal property, and expenses thereof as a result of any accident which may occur while we participate in the activity. I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO ACCEPT ALL RESPONSIBILITY ON BEHALF OF MYSELF AND MY MINOR CHILDREN OR THOSE CHILDREN FOR WHOM I AM LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE, EVEN IF THESE INJURIES, DEATH, OR LOSS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY ARE CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES NAMED BELOW. I HEREBY RELEASE NAPLES BOAT ADVENTURES LLC, BUBBLES UP PROPERTIES LLC, PORT OF THE ISLANDS MARINA, PREPMAC LLC, DALLAS HAGEMAN, SAMANTHA HAGEMAN, AND ALLTHEIR AFFILIATED AND RELATED COMPANIES, THEIR PRINCIPALS, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, AND VOLUNTEERS. THEIR INSURERS, AND EACH AND EVERY LANDOWNER, MUNICIPAL AND/OR GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY UPON WHOSE PROPERTY AND ACTIVITY IS CONDUCTED, AS WELL AS THEIR INSURERS, IF ANY, FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY OF ANY NATURE FOR ANY AND ALL INJURY, MENTAL INJURY/ ANGUISH OR DAMAGE (INCLUDING DEATH) TO ME OR MY MINOR CHILDREN AS WELL AS OTHER PERSONS AS A RESULT OF MY/OUR PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY, EVEN IF CAUSED BY MY NEGLIGENCE OR BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF ANY OF THE RELEASEES NAMED ABOVE, OR ANY OTHER PERSON (INCLUDING MYSELF). I have read this assumption and acknowledgment of risks and release of liability agreement. I understand fully that it is contractual in nature and binding upon me personally. I further understand that by signing this document, I am waiving all valuable legal rights, including any and all rights I may have against the owner, the operator(s) named above, or their employees, agents, servants, or assigns. I FULLY AGREE IN CONSIDERATION FOR BEING ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CHARTER TO HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY THE OWNER, THE OPERATOR NAMED ABOVE, OR THEIR EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, SERVANTS OR ASSIGNS FOR ANY INJURY, MENTALLY OR PHYSICALLY, WHICH MAY BEFALL ME, MY MINOR CHILDREN, OR THOSE CHILDREN FOR WHOM I AM LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE (INCLUDING DEATH). This waiver and release agreement must also be agreed to in its entirety in order for you and/ or your complete party to participate in in-water/ in-ocean activities in the ocean during the trip, such as swimming in the ocean, snorkeling, etc. I, the undersigned participant or parent or legal guardian if participant is under age 18 (collectively referred to hereinafter as “Participant” or “I” or “you”), intending to be legally bound, do hereby understand and agree that swimming and participating in “in-ocean” or “in-water” activities is rigorous activity that involves many risks. Being a participant and participating in such in water activities entails known, unknown and un-anticipated risks that could result in physical, emotional or mental injury, paralysis, death or damage to yourself to property or to third parties. Such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity. WARNING: Taking part in in-water activities are inherently dangerous activities, and there are inherent risks involved in your participation including, but not limited to equipment failure, perils of the sea (such as perils from submerged objects), ocean floor conditions, ocean currents, breaking waves, riptides, under tows, and injuries caused by animals and sea animals, acts of other persons, operations and movements of other objects, and adverse sea and weather conditions. Any swimming and/ or any “in ocean/ in water” activities are not endorsed nor covered by Naples Boat Adventures. If you choose to participate in these activities you fully understand and acknowledge that Naples Boat Adventures and those affiliated are not liable in any way, for any reason, if you or anyone in your party is injured both mentally and physically or dies as a result of participating in these activities. The risks also include (but are not limited to) among other things, slips and falls, back, head and/ or neck injuries, collision with fixed or movable objects, ascending and/ or descending ladders, or other watercraft, travel in remote areas, rapidly changing adverse weather and water conditions, accidental drowning, crashing forces of nature, including extremes of weather, lightning, and rapid weather changes, exposure to sun, strong wind, cold, large waves, eddies and whirlpools, tidal conditions, surf and currents, exposure to temperature and weather extremes, which could cause cold or hot water shock, hypothermia, hyperthermia, heat related illnesses, heat, exhaustion, sunburn, dehydration, exposure to potentially dangerous wild animals, insect bites and hazardous plant life, aggressive, and or poisonous marine life, arm, shoulder, body and or back injuries, improper lifting or carrying, your own physical condition, and the condition exertion associated with these activities, you may be seriously and permanently injured and or killed as a result of your participation. Each participant, regardless of experience, has final responsibility for his or her own safety and the safety of any minor children for whom I am the legal parent/guardian or otherwise responsible, and for my/our heirs, personal representatives, or assigns. By participating in this excursion I certify that I am in good physical health. I am physically able to participate in activities safely, and I have received the necessary instruction to participate in the activities safely. If I take part in any in ocean activities, I assert that I am physically capable of swimming in the ocean getting in and out of the ocean and participating in in-water activities and that I am capable of taking complete and reasonable care for my own safety while in the ocean and/ or taking part in in-water activities. I hereby warrant, promise, and guarantee that I participate on my own behalf and on behalf of my spouse if applicable, children, heirs, beneficiaries trustees administrators and or executors will hold harmless wave and release the releases- Naples Boat Adventures LLC and the owners, assigns, members, operators, managers, agents, employees, insurers, and contractors of Naples Boat Adventures, LLC the parties and claims liabilities demands and causes of action of every kind and of every nature, including but not limited to- products, liability, premises liability, product liability, gross negligence, or any other intentional or negligent, act or omission, if I am injured, killed or mentally distressed as a result of any problems, medical accidental, or otherwise, which occur while I am participating in this charter and/ or in in-water activities. While I am engaging in in-ocean/ in-water activities I agree that I will not make any claim, file any lawsuit or make any demand for arbitration or in any other way hold the released parties responsible in full or in part if I am injured or killed while I am engaged in any in-ocean activities during my activity. If I choose to sue the releases for whatever reason, I will be responsible for all legal fees that occur. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of the releases or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation in any ocean, charter and/ or water recreation activity to the fullest extent of the law. I fully understand that the operator has limited medical facilities, and that in the event of illness or injury, appropriate care will be made to attempt to contact of emergency services by radio and/ or phone and treatment will be delayed until I can be transported to a proper medical facility. I agree that no persons has made representations to me, implied or otherwise, that they or their crew can or will perform safe rescues or render first aid in the event I show signs of distress or call for aid. If I require or would like assistance will not hold Naples Boat Adventures LLC and the owners, assigns, members, operators, managers, agents, employees, insurers, and contractors of Naples Boat Adventures, LLC or any other participants liable for their actions in attempting the performance or rescue of first aid. I FULLY AGREE IN CONSIDERATION FOR BEING ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CHARTER TO HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY THE OWNER, THE OPERATOR NAMED ABOVE, OR THEIR EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, SERVANTS OR ASSIGNS FOR ANY INJURY, MENTALLY OR PHYSICALLY, WHICH MAY BEFALL ME, MY MINOR CHILDREN, OR THOSE CHILDREN FOR WHOM I AM LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE (INCLUDING DEATH). I acknowledge that I have given a copy of this waiver to each participant in my party and if I or anyone in my party that is accompanying me does not agree, comprehend or understand this waiver, myself and my party, will not be permitted, should not, and will not participate in this tour nor any tour operated by Naples Boat Adventures LLC. CONTRACTUAL ASSUMPTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISKS AND LIABILITY WAIVER AND RELEASE AGREEMENT IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to participate in the charter/ rental provided by Naples Boat Adventures LLCfor myself and/or any minor children for whom I am the legal parent/guardian or otherwise responsible, and for my/our heirs, personal representatives, or assigns: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISKS I fully acknowledge that some, but not all of the risks of participating in the charter in which I am about to engage may include (1) wind shear, inclement weather, lightning, variances and extremes of wind, weather and temperature; (2) any sense of balance, physical condition, ability to operate equipment, swim and/or follow directions; (3) collision, capsizing. sinking or other hazard which result In wetness, injury, exposure to the elements, hypothermia, impact of the body upon the water, injection of water into my body orifices, and/or drowning; (4) the presence of and/or injury, illness or death resulting from insects, animals and marine life forms; (5) equipment failure, operator error, transportation accidents; (6) heat or sun related injuries or Illness, including sunburn, sunstroke or dehydration; (7) fatigue, chill, and/or dizziness which may diminish my/our reaction time and increase the risk of an accident; (8) slippery decks and/or steps when wet; (9) swimming in all types of waters (10) walking on unattended and uncared for beaches (11) any outdoor activity and all inherent risks associated Initials _______________ I specifically acknowledge that I have been given instructions/training in the safe use of the type of equipment used during this charter to my complete satisfaction, I understand them fully and I am physically/mentally able to participate in the charter which I am about to engage. I also acknowledge that any swimming and/ or any “in ocean/ in water” activities are not endorsed nor covered by Naples Boat Adventures. If I choose to participate in these activities I fully understand and acknowledge that Naples Boat Adventures and those affiliated are not liable in any way, for any reason, if myself or anyone in my party is injured both mentally and physically or dies as a result of participating in these activities. Initials_______________ I understand that past or present medical conditions may be contraindicative to my participation in the charter/rental. I affirm that I am not currently suffering from a cold or congestion or have an ear infection. I affirm that I do not have any infectious disease or illness (e.g., COVID or similar variants). I affirm that I do not have a history of seizures, dizziness, or fainting, nor a history of heart conditions (e.g., cardiovascular disease, angina, heart attack). I further affirm that I do not have a history of respiratory problems (e.g., emphysema or tuberculosis). I affirm that I am not currently suffering from back, spine and/or neck injuries. I affirm that I am not currently taking medication that carries a warning about any impairment of my physical or mental abilities. Initials_______________ I fully agree to assume all responsibility for all the risks of the charter, Naples Boat Adventures LLC, to which I am about to engage, whether identified above or not (I FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT I UNDERTAKE EVEN THOSE RISKS ARISING OUT OF THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES NAME BELOW). My/Our participation in the charteris completely voluntary. I assume full responsibility for myself and any of my minor children for whom I am responsible. This responsibility that I assume on my behalf and that of my minor children, or those children for whom I am legally responsible, extends to any bodily injury, accidents, illnesses, paralysis, death, loss of personal property and expenses thereof as a result of any accident which may occur while we participate in the activity. I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO ACCEPT ALL RESPONSIBILITY ON BEHALF OF MYSELF AND MY MINOR CHILDREN, OR THOSE CHILDREN FOR WHOM I AM LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE, EVEN IF THESE INJURIES, DEATH, OR LOSS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY ARE CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES NAMED BELOW. Initials_______________ This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the United States of America. Any legal action relating to or arising out of this agreement against or with respect to Naples Boat Adventures LLC shall be commenced exclusively in the United States of America. Any legal action relating to or arising out of this Agreement against or with respect to any of it Naples Boat Adventures LLC affiliated or related companies shall be commenced exclusively in the Circuit in and for Collier County Florida. I agree that I will reimburse in full any attorney fees incurred by the assured or their Insurers to defend any legal action under this agreement. I HEREBY RELEASE NAPLES BOAT ADVENTURES LLC THEIR AFFILIATED AND RELATED COMPANIES, THEIR PRINICIPALS, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, LENDERS AND VOLUNTEERS, THEIR INSURERS, AND EACH AND EVERY LANDOWNER, MUNICIPAL AND/OR GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY UPON WHOSE PROPERTY AND ACTIVITY IS CONDUCTED, AS WELL AS THEIR INSURERS, IF ANY, EACH AND EVERY CRUISELINE OR COMPANY WHO FACILITATED PARTICIPATION AND/OR PURCHASE OF TICKETS, OR FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY OF ANY NATURE FOR ANY AND ALL INJURY, PROPERTY LOSS OR DAMAGE (INCLUDING DEATH) TO ME OR MY MINOR CHILDREN AS WELL AS OTHER PERSONS AS A RESULT OF MY/OUR PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY, EVEN IF CAUSED BY MY NEGLIGENCE OR BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF ANY OF THE RELEASEES NAMED ABOVE, OR ANY OTHER PERSON (INCLUDING MYSELF). Initials_______________ I have read this assumption and acknowledgement of risks and release of liability agreement I understand fully that it is contractual in nature and binding upon me personally. I further understand that by signing this document I am waiving valuable legal rights including any and all rights I may have against the owner, the renter/charterer, the operator named above, or their employees, agents, servants or assigns. I FULLY AGREE IN CONSIDERATION FOR BEING ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CHARTER TO HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY THE OWNER, THE OPERATOR NAMED ABOVE OR THEIR EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, SERVANTS OR ASSIGNS FOR ANY INJURY WHICH MAY BEFALL ME, MY MINOR CHILDREN OR THOSE CHILDREN FOR WHOM I AM LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE (INCLUDING DEATH). Print name ___________________________ Signature ___________________________ Date ___________________________ Parent/ Legal Guardian must complete for any persons under 18 participating Print name ___________________________ Signature ___________________________ Date ___________________________
  • Photography and Video Waiver
    Photography and Video I understand that from time to time Naples Boat Adventures LLC will take video and photos for promotional use on their website and social media pages. By participating in Naples Boat Adventures LLC excursions, I agree to release any and all rights of these photos and videos taken with me and/my parties likeness. By participating in this tour I hereby grant permission to Naples Boat Adventures LLC to use photographs and/or video of myself and my complete party taken on the tour in publications, news releases, online, and in other communications related to the tour. I understand that my and my parties image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and waive all rights to inspect approve or benefit from the finished product wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of myself or my complete parties images or recordings.


We are located at 525 Newport Dr., Naples FL 34114. 

There is ample free parking in the lot directly across from the fire station. Once you have parked, please walk across the road (Newport Drive), to the ship store and wait by the picnic tables in the front of the marina.


Waiting Area

This is the area you are free to wait in while the Captain readies the ship. There are drinks, ice, food and restrooms available for customers. The Captain will come a gather the group when it's time to depart.

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